About Other law
Other laws are mixed legislation of common laws and law made in trust.
Common Law
Common laws are primary legislation made by the Commonwealth judiciary.
The state of the British Commonwealth is constructed in such a way to protect and strengthen the sovereignty and voice of the people of each individual member nation and as such with exception only to union law and basic law allows any other item of Commonwealth Law to be subject to judicial review and interpretation by the Commonwealth judiciary.
Law in Trust
The Commonwealth Framework gives powers and authority to the union government to act in trust in the name of citizens of the British Commonwealth to create policy and decisions known as primary law in trust that in turn creates the framework that allows for the peoples’ law to be created.
These are the Commonwealth Resolutions, Trade Resolutions and Civil Service Resolutions as well as Commonwealth Directives.
The BC strategy (Directives) sets out the policies immediately executable by the Union State of the British Commonwealth on behalf of the people of the Commonwealth.
Commonwealth Resolutions set BC official policy and decisions.
The BC official policy are the acts, rules, regulations, and protocols that enact the creation of, establish and govern the bodies of the Union State of the British Commonwealth.
BC official decisions are the decisions that affect a subject or subjects of the British Commonwealth taken within the remit of powers of the Union State of the British Commonwealth. Can be reversed by an Act of the Supreme Congress.
The BC trade policy (Trade Resolutions) are the decisions that regulate any trade relationships to and between the bodies and subjects of the Commonwealth as a whole or in relation to particular entity.
These are set by the Chancellor of Trade and enforced by the trade bodies group.
The BC civil service policy (Civil Service Resolutions) are the decisions that govern and shape the activities of Union State of the British Commonwealth at a particular state level set by the local Commonwealth Embassies, Ministries and other bodies.
Secondary law in trust enables the work and oversight of the union government.
An opinion of the Lords of Commonwealth is an independent counterbalancing legislative mechanism of oversight available to the public.
A Commonwealth Statutory Instrument is used by the union government to provide practical measures that enable basic and primary law to be enforced and operated in daily life.